At St. Columba’s we are committed to ensuring that each individual pupil receives the very best education allowing them to reach their full potential academically and socially. Our key objective in using the pupil premium grant is to narrow the attainment and achievement gap between those entitled to pupil premium and those not. We also make use of a wide range of educational research in order to decide how best to spend our funding to maximise the opportunities for our pupils. Please see the document below for a detailed analysis of how we intend to spend our pupil premium funding during each academic year.
At St Columba’s Catholic Primary School, we recognise that physical education and sports are important parts of school life. We want the children’s experience of physical education to be positive and motivating, enabling pupils to become physically confident. This supports their health, wellbeing, fitness and provides the foundations for lifelong activity.
We want the children to succeed in competitive sport and physical activities. As they move through the school, they have opportunities to take part in competitive events. Our school teams compete regularly with other Catholic and North Tyneside schools. This helps them build character, develop resilience, self-esteem and learn values such as teamwork, sportsmanship, fairness, respect and honesty.
About the PE and Sport Premium
All children and young people should live healthy active lives. Schools have a key role to play in achieving this aim. This is particularly true of primary schools where the foundations of positive and enjoyable participation in regular physical activity are embedded. All children should have equal access to high-quality PE provision and opportunities to experience and participate in a wide range of sports and physical activities. Academic achievement can improve in school because of the benefits children can gain.
Schools should use the PE and sport premium funding to help achieve these aims. They should use it to make additional and sustainable improvements to the PE, sport and physical activity they provide, such as:
funding high-quality PE and sport for at least 2 hours a week, complemented by a wide range of extracurricular sport and competitive opportunities
providing or improving equal access to sport for boys and girls
Schools should prioritise PE and sport premium spending to improve in the following 5 key areas:
increasing all staff’s confidence, knowledge and skills in teaching PE and sport
increasing engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and sport
raising the profile of PE and sport across the school, to support whole school improvement
offer a broader and more equal experience of a range of sports and physical activities to all pupils
increase participation in competitive sport
See the link below for our PE and sport premium report: